The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation is an organization dedicated to the education and research of effective breast cancer treatments.
In order to raise money for this worthy cause, we created an immersive charatible Facebook application. The application allows users to make donations by placing the name of a breast cancer survivor and or supporter on the No. 56 NAPA Auto Parts racecar. The specially wrapped No. 56 racecar was unveiled during the AAA 500 NASCAR Sprint Cup Series.
One of our biggest challenges was to create an interactive 3D model of the No. 56 racecar. We modeled and textured the car in Maya and then converted it in Away 3D to work in Flash. Although the model would
be lower resolution on the web, we made sure that the texture details would compensate for the lower geometry count. When users zoomed in on the body panel, we loaded progressively higher resolution textures similar to the technology in Google maps, which kept the textures sharp right down to the rivets. The car can also be rotated and viewed from any angle on the fly.
Upon entering their payment information and the name of the person they would like to honor, the application allows donors to select the area on a body panel where they would like the honorees name placed.
As part of its confirmation process, the application then presents an image of No. 56 along with the name, as it would appear at the unveiling. In order to differentiate donors who give $500 or more, their names appear in white instead of pink.
The four-week long fundraiser resulted in $51,000 in private donations and a separate $200,000+ donation presented by NAPA Auto Parts. With 2,400 names appearing on No. 56, we are proud to be part of such a worthy cause. Now that’s a winner’s circle.
The Napa Ask and Answer Facebook app gives users the opportunity to post any of their automobile queries on the board and have their questions answered and rated by fellow gear heads.
The application provides a credible resource to address everything from changing your oil to diagnosing the weird grinding noise in your transmission.
To best handle user traffic and curb any potential information overload, topics are broken down into 6 categories.
Whether your concern centers on faulty brakes, engine trouble or suspension parts, the app allows for beginners and glorified mechanics alike to discuss both the general and specific. All would be mechanics are able to search and view content without authentication. When a user is ready to dive into the app, they simply connect and start wrenching. Users are also able to providea 1 – 5 star rating based on the quality of the questions and answers, and can contribute by providing additional information to the original question.
Under the watchful eye of Napa Auto Parts experts, quality answers are marked as “Napa Rated.” To increase shareability, we built deep linking into the question sections, so that individual questions can be linked directly on the user’s Facebook wall. Users also have the option of receiving emails when their question is answered or if their answer receives high marks from the pros at Napa.